Archive | September 2018

A non-hairy man who can, sort of, cook

Sometimes it can take a while for the obvious to come along, slap you in the face, and say “Listen to yourself, stupid!”. Well today I finally listened.

A few months after my “day of revelation” as to my true self, some five years or so ago, I confided in a dear friend online that I felt the need for “a man”, and very soon after that a transman did come into my life.

He is still there, although our relationship has moved on from what it was, and I wouldn’t be without him in my life. But what I also have in my life is “wifey”.

“Wifey”. Now there’s a word!

To say that things between wifey and myself are somewhat difficult would be an understatement, and earlier today my brain finally slapped me in the face and woke me up as to the main reason why.

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