
What is “Hate Crime”?

You have a few options if you live in Fife and need to report a hate crime.

You can report the incident directly to Police Scotland at Police Scotland Online Reporting

Alternatively, both Fife Centre for Equalities and Pink Saltire are recognised Third Party Reporting Centres.

Fife Centre for Equalities

Use their Hate Incident Reporting Page.

Pink Saltire

☎️ 0800 051 7676  📧  or in person at The Hive LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy.

A letter to my younger self – Aged 35

Hello you!

Yes, just those two short words have a special significance to you now, don’t they?

Who would ever have thought that someone would walk into your life out of nowhere and have such an effect on you in so many ways?

I just goes to show, we never know what’s around the corner.

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A letter to my younger self – Aged 25

Hi hunny,

So you got married young then. And the little one’s starting school already! *sigh*

Well of course in a different universe you’d have listened to what I told you last time, but as it is you’ve sort of “blown it”. Now you have responsibilities to others so it’s going to be tricky trying to be yourself, isn’t it?

Ok, I’m not going to press the point too much. You know as well as I do that your late teens were the time when you actually needed to get done something about it and have a fulfilling life ahead of you.

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A letter to my younger self – Aged 15

Hey kiddo!

How’s things?

Wow, you’re growing up fast. So tall!

I just thought I’d drop you a line to let you know some of the things I’ve discovered and to give you an idea of what’s ahead for you.

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Scotland first in world to make period products free

I’ve never forgotten a conversation I had with a female work colleague back in the early 1980’s in which I stated my belief that period products should be free for all women the world over.

She looked at me in astonishment and said something to the effect of how amazing she felt it was that a guy would have the understanding to hold such an opinion. (Back in those days I was still very much in “male mode”, although this was the same young lady who was the first person I ever told that I felt I should have been born in a female body.)

Well, I sat here just now with my jaw dropped and with tears forming as I heard the news that Scotland will be doing just that; making sanitary wear free for all women.

This makes me even more proud to have made Scotland my home.

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Just when I needed them: Pronouns – and a challenge

I’ve been finding it hard lately to come up with something to blog about. Oh sure, there’s a whole rack of YouTube videos I have flagged and ready to roll, but knowing which is most important or what to say to lead into them has been somewhat holding me back.

Today that changed, and thanks to Beau for this insightful message to everyone. I’m not sure he really knows what a sea-change he may have started.

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I admit it, I cried

Ever since I had my “epiphany” and fully recognised the truth about myself I have wanted to be able to go out in public looking as female as that beatch “Mother Nature” will allow.

It’s been a long, hard road because I’m just over 6 feet tall, fairly sturdily built, have large ears, large hands, large feet and, most disappointingly, androgenetic alopecia a.k.a. Male Pattern Baldness. In my case this baldness is not complete (as in the whole of the top of my head is bald) but I have a deep bald “river” on each side and a central “patchiness” to my hair.

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Who threw the first brick at Stonewall?

There comes a point in history when the minutiae of the details of an event becomes irrelevant.

Who fired the first shot in the American Civil War?

Who fired the arrow that hit King Harold in the eye?

Who invented pizza?

The same applies when looking at Stonewall. It really doesn’t matter whether the details are fully known, what is important is the legacy it leaves behind and, MOST importantly, what we DO with that legacy.

Tomorrow I’ll be posting about how the legacy of Stonewall affected my life this very day and turned it into something special and memorable for me, but in the meantime here’s a really interesting video that proves my point entirely.

Stay safe, and be true to yourself.