
What is “Hate Crime”?

You have a few options if you live in Fife and need to report a hate crime.

You can report the incident directly to Police Scotland at Police Scotland Online Reporting

Alternatively, both Fife Centre for Equalities and Pink Saltire are recognised Third Party Reporting Centres.

Fife Centre for Equalities

Use their Hate Incident Reporting Page.

Pink Saltire

☎️ 0800 051 7676  📧  or in person at The Hive LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy.

A letter to my younger self – Aged 35

Hello you!

Yes, just those two short words have a special significance to you now, don’t they?

Who would ever have thought that someone would walk into your life out of nowhere and have such an effect on you in so many ways?

I just goes to show, we never know what’s around the corner.

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A letter to my younger self – Aged 25

Hi hunny,

So you got married young then. And the little one’s starting school already! *sigh*

Well of course in a different universe you’d have listened to what I told you last time, but as it is you’ve sort of “blown it”. Now you have responsibilities to others so it’s going to be tricky trying to be yourself, isn’t it?

Ok, I’m not going to press the point too much. You know as well as I do that your late teens were the time when you actually needed to get done something about it and have a fulfilling life ahead of you.

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A letter to my younger self – Aged 15

Hey kiddo!

How’s things?

Wow, you’re growing up fast. So tall!

I just thought I’d drop you a line to let you know some of the things I’ve discovered and to give you an idea of what’s ahead for you.

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Why is there no Cross-dresser Pride Flag?

As I’ve been working through the numerous tasks that I have lined up at the moment I’ve been putting together a section in the Transgender Awareness Training relating to definitions of the various sub-categories which fall under the Transgender Umbrella.

In order to present the concept on the PowerPoint slides I decided to use the various Pride flags as a starting point for each definition, and this highlighted a problem. I couldn’t find a flag to represent the cross-dressing community.

Now whilst cross-dressing is not synonymous with being transgender per-se, the support group I help to run welcomes cross-dressing individuals to our ranks as we feel they are a valid subsection of our community and face many of the same problems and issues as the rest of the transgender people we aim to support. Just try going shopping with one and you’ll find out what I mean.

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This is turning into a full time job

Many of you may be aware that I help coordinate a local Transgender support and social group. It is something I’ve been doing for the past four years or more.

The group has received much praise for the work it does and is well respected within the local community.

Through 2019, and especially toward the latter end of it, I felt that I was running out of the energy and motivation needed in order to continue to work for the group. I expressed my need to back away to the other Coordinator and we began to look for other group members who could step up and take over some of the responsibilities involved.

It was a slow process, but help was forthcoming and I was able to sit back in a more minor role and just keep my finger on the pulse.

Then, of course, 2020 happened.

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Has it gone? Can I look yet? …

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Wow, what a crap fest 2020 was, right up to the last day!

On New Year’s Eve I realised I wasn’t going to be able to suffer the pain any more over the upcoming long weekend, and so got an emergency appointment at the dentist and had two teeth removed. That doesn’t leave me with a vast selection any more.

Roll on 2021, I thought.


Welcome to 2021. Welcome to … A new lock down until at least the end of January! Wonderful!

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Just when I needed them: Pronouns – and a challenge

I’ve been finding it hard lately to come up with something to blog about. Oh sure, there’s a whole rack of YouTube videos I have flagged and ready to roll, but knowing which is most important or what to say to lead into them has been somewhat holding me back.

Today that changed, and thanks to Beau for this insightful message to everyone. I’m not sure he really knows what a sea-change he may have started.

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